Brands + Bands -

Blog articles that will give you my insights on how to implement towards your goals for Brand Strategy + Finance

Bands (Finance) Nadia Vanderhall Bands (Finance) Nadia Vanderhall

Budgeting for Beginners: What's In My Wallet?! Build Your Plan + Find Financial Balance

We have a love/hate relationship with the “B” word but that “B” word is critical to how we build our relationship with money. Budgeting is the intersection of accountability - that you have with [bank] accounts and yourself. This article walks through the different types of budgets and some insights on how to find a “better balance” and understand "What's In My Wallet?! "

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Bands (Finance) Nadia Vanderhall Bands (Finance) Nadia Vanderhall

Gift Cards: Your Secret Weapon For Budgeting And Saving

Tired of overspending? Discover how gift cards can transform your budgeting game! Learn practical strategies to track expenses, set spending limits, and save money. You'll learn how to create a personalized gift card system tailored to your financial goals. Improve your budgeting and cash flow planning by taking control of your finances and achieving financial freedom with this easy-to-follow guide.

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Nadia Vanderhall Nadia Vanderhall

Meet Your Money. Money Meetings.

Be like Janet and take control of your dough! Money meetings are more than just looking at the numbers, but actually building your wealth formula!

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Start your journey

If any of these blog posts gave you a headstart on your financial journey, imagine what working with us would do. Let’s get started!