Valley Of Debt vs Seasonal Shopping

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. You know - Temptations are playing, decorations are going up in the blink of an eye, but also the countless sales are coming for your coints and common sense.

We are heading deep into what I am calling the “Valley Of Debt”, Beloveds. What is that you ask? For the last 10 months or so of this year, you have been killing it when it comes to spending, savings and stocks. Savings challenges checked off, bills paid on time, sanity in check. You are feeling good and spending good too. The “Valley Of Debt” is that magical time of the year starting in November with Black Friday Sales galore and ending with the Day After Christmas sales! Only to have to snap back into formation on January 1st!

Whew Chile, robbing Peter to pay Paul goes out of the window when Target and her posse is coming for your wallet! This is also the valley where a lot of debt is made!

I get the notion of a great deal linked with making your family and friends happy with presents! Trust me, I love making my people happy like we were when Obama was elected back in 2008. But I also love having a stacked savings, proper credit score and goals snatched!

Unlike Otis and David Ruffin, those sales are coming to see about you and yo’ budget! As I like to ask in my Tribe Mail… Do you BMF? Blow Money Fast (Rick Ross grunt) or Budget Money First (Nadia grunt)? I’m not saying that you have to consistently save and save and save. I am saying for you to establish some balance in your budget to know how to spend during season like The Holidays, Birthdays, Back to School, etc.

So how do you survive the Valley Of Debt during the Holidays?

Mind Yo’ Money

Your budget should have a budget during this season of spending. Be like Santa (rather fictional or MJ- vibe) and make a list! Stick with it and rock with it! Have no unearthly idea how much you are going to spend?

  • Pull your receipts

  • Go into your online banking and go under statements

  • Do a search for October 25 to December 31st ( you can do either last year or multiple years)

  • Lurk to see purchases you know were Holiday related + tally it up

  • Add 1-3% to what you spent in seasons past

  • Walla - Magic = Your Holiday Budget

If you know you don’t have that amount saved or available, don’t be afraid to CUT IT! Cut the list down or the amount of gifts! This season is about the memories not only the materialistic ish!

Check Yo’ Habits

The Five Ws aren’t just for writing essays and dissertations, they are also good for your spending habits. Check this out:

Who -- are you buying for?

What -- are you buying?

When -- are you buying this? Could you buy this sooner or during a real sale?

Where -- are you snatching this up? Online? In-store

Why -- the heck are you buying this? This is the core to your purchase power. If you can’t justify buying or spending big dollars on something that will break or be forgotten, you know the answer

Honorable Mention - How -- are you buying this? Is this from your budget or did you neglect to pay a bill to blow the funds?

Understanding what makes not only your mind think, but your hand swipe is key to keeping yourself humble during the holidays when it comes to spending!

Check Tha’ Savings

Websites like Rakuten, RetailMeNot, Groupon, etc aim to help you lurk the deals that are out there! My new personal favorite - Shoptagr! What’s tea about Shoptagr is that you can add it as an extension to your browser and pair it up with other apps like Rakuten and Groupon! Like Double Savings ( my couponers know) -- but for clothes, shoes and other situations!

Before you go swipe and snatch, do a simple search on Google for the pricing at certain stores! Look for codes and coupons to help you save even more!

Snatch Tha’ Balance

You’re probably going to roll your pretty little eyes at me when I say this, but listen…. check your balance before you swipe or snatch your gifts! Knowing what your bank account is hitting on will keep you in check! Also, you can given set limits to your spending via your bank app if you know you are going to wreck the stores! Another thing that I do is have another bank account/card strictly for shopping/spending. This might be extreme for some ( like the bank teller who was confused when I told her), but it keeps me from spending State Farm money in Sephora! Just saying, Beloved!

Give (Yourself) Grace

You can make a list, you can check it twice, you can budget, but things happen. Not only should you give grace over your food, but over yourself! When notice that you go off track, snap back into focus! Giving yourself grace doesn’t mean you get to keep messing up (on purpose), but also keeping you plugged into your bigger smoney goals. Goals are accomplished by daily habits.


Beloved, your financial trek to yielding generational wealth is all about mindset, maintenance, movement/motivation and of course money! While some would argue that it takes money to make money, it also takes the rest of the others listed too!

Another thing to keep in mind is balance. Allow yourself spurge sometimes, but keep it in check like you do your kids when checking their homework or your boo after the honeymoon stage!

Be like the other Otis and keep your budget in check during the holiday season like he did Bonquisha (this is my favorite holiday song, btw)!


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