Podcast Recap: Holiday Humble...

During the holidays season many of us either wonder “What Do The Lonely Do At Christmas?” or “What Can My Wallet Do At Christmas?”….. and then you might be like me and a hybrid of both (boffum). Soooo, I wanted to chat about more about the latter in more detail! Here is a podcast that I recorded in the spirit of The Holiday Hustle and Valley of Debt Season on another platform and decided to share with my Tribe! I know that we chat about tings like this within the corridors of Tribe Mail and The Wallet, but I think that the world should be let into this convo!

Grab your headphones and a snack (healthy, keep it together) and take a listen to the Holiday Humble:

As one of my favorite Tribe Members say, “We have moved from solely Law-A-Way to adding Afterpay into the mix”! This is oh so true and the change of times, Beloveds. The core of all of the tings money is the mindset that we have shaped towards it. The meaning of I Love You doesn’t have to equate to the type of gift you give or it’s market value. Over the years my personal mindset about money has changed drastically (Thanks to the Recession), and putting a price tag on the love I gave went along with that season.

Here are 3 things to keep in mind over the holiday season:

1. Do you feel Prepared? Mentally, Beloved. What if you can’t afford all you want to spend on your family, friends and self? Would you still be able to enjoy the holiday? Not pump fake on the fun curated Insta-photos either.

2. Get real, know your numbers! Look at how you spent last Christmas - like go look at your bank statement from October 2018 - December 2018. Yes, through the end of December, you know you forgot a gift. Do you have that amount saved? If not, scale the gift list back.

3. The Valley of Debt. This is the valley of when consumers end up spending the most out of the year. You have followed your budget to a T for the majority of the year until October/November hit. This season can make the reboot harder to do on January 1. Condition yourself to stay focus to keep the party going into the new year! Stay strong!

What was your biggest take away from the podcast episode? Do you feel prepared for the holidays?

Have kids in your life? Take a look at this post talking about Wealth filled gifts for kids!


4 Wealth Filled Holiday Gifts For Kids


Podcast Recap: You Can't Heal What You Don't Reveal