Crowd- Invest: Using Crowdfunding To Build Wealth

When many people think of investing, they instantly go towards either stocks or real estate. Both of those aspects are a great way to lean into your wealth factor, but that isn’t the only way for you to obtain those goals you set. Your wealth factor has to start with discipline, but with crafting what formula + strategy, you have to figure out which methods align. 

Within The Black Dollar article, one of the things that The Culture should be doing more is seeking ways to invest black. Yes, there are numerous companies to invest in or through, but to push the movement we have to start fueling on our fortune. All opportunities aren’t the same, but they could be a great way to push the needle forward for The Culture and your coint. As always said, ‘research before reaching for your wallet’. This goes for these sorts of opportunities. 

As startups become normal for us to know about, it is often asked how to invest or get involved. One of those ways is through crowdfunding platforms. Think of them like the GoFundMe approach to investing in startups and funds that are on the rise. How it goes is that a company gets to a certain level and feels that they need to raise more capital (cash) to push the company forward. That capital can be used for hiring or product to-market efforts or ________. Those big names that you have come to know and love started within this phase. Think of Uber and Airbnb, they started within the same vein. If you look to the Founders list for Uber, you will see some familiar names and some Trusts. Crowdfunding platforms allow you to buy-in a company without you having to formulate a Trust or become an Accredited Investor (both takes some muscle and money to do). 

Over the last couple of weeks (months), I shared about some crowdfunding opportunities that I have found to be great investments for long term growth, Streamlytics and PopCom of these companies were founded and formulated by Black Women. Since then, they both have raised over $1M in capital by investors through the crowdfunding approach.  Another one, Fanbase, shows that this growing space of capital raising can be kept in house, The Culture. I honestly see many African- American based startups going this path substantially over the next couple of years - and here for it! We are moving from statistics to strategy now. No longer waiting for the opportunity, but bringing the Family in on it.

While seeing this and following Crowdfunding closely, I started sharing the differences between the Regulations (rules) that go into both types of investing - 

Along the way, I started to research some of the best platforms for you to know about and even grab some crowdfunding opportunities through - 

When I share a platform, app, etc - it usually comes with me having used it previously. I will not endorse or share a platform or product that I don’t use or love. Dassit. 

Do your research for each company you think about reaching for! Most of these platforms have webinars talking about how they work and how they can benefit you. Along with that, most of the Founders of the startups are pretty thorough about their company and accessible through social media. 

Wealth starts with you, Fam. The formula is different, but there is access and awareness more now than ever! These creative ways to flip funds for gain now or generational-wise is out there. We just have to stop being scared and start being strategic. Let me know below if you have invested through Crowdfunding platforms like the ones I mentioned above. Also, let me know what makes you apprehensive about investing!


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