Brands + Bands -

Blog articles that will give you my insights on how to implement towards your goals for Brand Strategy + Finance

Bands (Finance) Nadia Vanderhall Bands (Finance) Nadia Vanderhall

Boost Your Financial Health: Understanding FSAs and HSAs

Ever heard of those special savings accounts that can be used for Sephora, Amazon, and more? Learn how FSAs and HSAs can help you save on medical costs, from budgeting and tracking expenses to investing your HSA for greater returns. Discover tips to maximize your benefits, plan for a healthier financial future, and make the most out of every dollar you set aside.

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Bands (Finance) Nadia Vanderhall Bands (Finance) Nadia Vanderhall

Cracking Open Your Wallet: A Reader's Guide To Recommended Finance Books

No matter if you’re new or true to personal finance, you can always learn more! As I love to say “learners are earners”, the more you learn can give you the foundation to earn more. Also, “leaders are readers”, reading or listening to money books could help you understand how your money stacks up in your wallet. Sharing some of my recommended money books to get started with your money.

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Start your journey

If any of these blog posts gave you a headstart on your financial journey, imagine what working with us would do. Let’s get started!