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Pandemic Paper: Make, Maintain and Maneuver Your Paper

“Alexa! Play Young Jeezy “Recession” Album on #Tidal Music” 

This album was heavily paid by me during the last recession and it still bumps in many ways with us just moving into a recession in February. Wait, What?! Yes, you read that correctly! We found ourselves moving through a recession without it being broadcasted until a few weeks ago

So in terms, a recession means - 

Which, if you peep the news - you felt this coming. Unfortunately, I felt this was coming around Black Friday of last year due to the Earnings Reports and Bankruptcies becoming buzzwords that would cause one to twitch. A pandemic is nothing that we plan on experiencing in our lifetime, let alone twice for some. So, how we stack our paper is critical to how we see gains when we gain grace outside of these levels in Jumanji.

During the last recession, we trekked through it for 18th months. No lie, December 2007 – June 2009. As many of you know, that the numbers were cute yet sound sorta familiar. Unemployment was crazy, the housing market was jacked and millions of people were securely scared (Obama made us feel a bit better). Also, that $5/gallon gas was tip off to the travesty. 

While the ‘Great Recession’ wasn’t anything nice, it did provide us with some insight on how to align better with this current pandemic. Compared to last time, I want us to take this situation with COVID-19 or as I love to call her Rona Mae Jenkins to serve as the foundation for building a better relationship with money. Opportunity often comes packaged as opposition. 

In these series of upcoming posts, I want to give some context on how to curate a better experience for you with the coint while we deal with COVID. The people who we were B.C. (Before Corona) and A.C. (After Corona) are going to be completely different. But it is up to us to determine in what way this massive reset that we are going through. 

While no pandemic is the same, the lessons that we gain from each one could allow us to better position ourselves to wave this wave. This series merges context from my FB Lives and even my own personal experience. My hope is that this pandemic gives each of us a different perspective to come out of this on time. If companies like Instagram and Pinterest can come forward from the last recession, you can build your bank to bust you into another wealth level.