Invest-Cryp: Investing In Culture + Introduction Into Cryptocurrency

Big B, The B Stands For Bitcoin 

When I was working at a bank back in ‘17 I overheard a co-worker and a trader talking about something. I was listening to Drake and trying to focus on my work. But over-time I kept hearing them saying how much money they were making off of whatever that ting was. Come to find it out, it was… Cryptocurrency. I sorta indirectly went down the rabbit hole and haven’t pretty much come up for air since then. 

Crypto can be loud and crowded. It was when Bitcoin was bopping at the ATH then, which was a little less than $20K (December 17, 2017) – the commentary around it then vs now hits a bit more differently. The layers to the playing field have (and still are) changing, but we shall explore this as this series goes on. Cryptocurrency has technically been around since 2010, but to see it scale the way it has is insane to watch (and HODL). Let’s get into why I decided to add this topic into the chat of not only not only content, but expertise. 

So with so many people talking, swiping and snatching crypto - I wanted to start incorporating that topic within my content here. I already talk about it via Twitter, Instagram, FB and TikTok - so it will only make sense to infuse it here. Back to what I was overhearing my co-worker and trader talking about - they were talking shop about Bitcoin. This was back before the bubble popped. From platforms, how it works, etc. The only thing I knew back then was that I wanted in. Dassit (Simple). I wanted to learn and earn, before just talking shop without understanding how the tools work.  

Before Jumping In

What I wanted to do with this portion of my content was to give context to what you see through the swipe. Social Media can be a bit loud, so I want to make the music a bit easier to listen to and recite like your favorite song on that playlist you can’t go through the day listening to. The one thing I want to pair down about Cryptocurrency is that I don’t want you to neglect the rest of your personal finance alignment either. I have seen countless social media posts where people have drained their emergency or retirement savings just to invest in a random coin based solely upon hype without any or little homework. 

Speaking of personal finance alignment, before you get into cryptocurrency I want to establish your goals with crypto. No judgment on what your goals look like, but I want you to double down on what they look like. Then make two pockets for them. Short Term, Long Term. If your core goal for jumping into crypto is to solely make money, that’s legit. On the other hand, if your core goal is to see gains that show consistent growth, that’s something to lean on as well. The Short/Long Term goals will be factor in with the coins, exchanges and other things in how to trade (purchase/sell) cryptocurrency. 

Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency compared to the stock market can hold more risk than the stock market (retail). Fat Joe said that “Yesterday’s Price is not Today’s Price”, but with Crypto “One ATH, is not another ATH”.. because with crypto, the markets run 24/8 where you can purchase when you are scrolling on TikTok and not have to wait until the market are open like retail stock.

Another thing to know before jumping in is for you to know your financial objectives (gotta repeat this), risk tolerance and just the landscape (high-level). Why am I putting this out here before I go in? Because with crypto, many people have been burnt by the pump and dump or by calls. I’ve seen posts where people have emptied their retirement accounts to go all in with crypto. That’s a no-go over here. While I’m a CryptoBabe, I want people to know and grow with crypto. It’s not going anywhere, if anything - it’s getting more meaty. Ok, let’s talk shop - 

How Does It Work?

Cryptocurrency is pretty much a digital form of payment or currency that you can use to pay for goods, services, wants and tings. Like that cash or card you have in your wallet or ___Pay you have on your phone - just digitalize. If you hear the term ‘token’ is often in relation to a company based coin or token being used to pay for things in the same regards. Remember how you used to go to the arcade and to have coins or tokens to play that game? Apply this notion to Crypto. So, the arcade you are walking into is called Blockchain. It pretty much makes all exchanges, coins, tokens, etc -  go and flow. Going to break that down in a few. But, there are over 14,500 different cryptocurrencies traded publicly.

Unlike the central banking system or Federal Reserves System that we know, use and sometimes are annoyed by - there isn’t any central authority that manages and maintains the value of a cryptocurrency (oh, we shall get into that tea later, regulation).  While it’s new-ish, the risk is high(er) than we see with other securities like retail stocks. Yet the progression seen within crypto has changed so much from when Bitcoin was jumping. And now, Ole’ B has even more company (yes, that rhymes). 

Speaking of Bitcoin, its origin goes back to 2008. Yes, that far back. It’s principle  was curated  by Satoshi Nakamoto in a 2008 white paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” He described the project as “an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust.” From seeing how the value of the coin and the trust that now companies and community have built around it, I would say he might be onto something. More POC or People of Color see Crypto as a barrier entry into building wealth.  I talked about this a bit before and here, too.

Building Blocks

No matter where you look within cryptocurrency, you will see the term blockchain being used. Blockchain is like a database that is shared among the nodes or touch-points of a computer network. Within the database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. They are the lock for cryptocurrency to help things secure +  record of transactions. 

Data is stored within different blocks; meaning there are different blockchains, some connected. As new information is developed or stored, a new block within the ‘chain’ is created. Get it?! The allure with Blockchain is how it will be used within smart contracts and utilities as Cryptocurrency continues to mature and Decentralized finance becomes more adopted (accepted). From NFTs to all things metaverse and beyond are tied into blockchain. 

Building Up Yo Vocab

Before I go any more down the rabbit hole, let’s throw some common used terms right here (might keep adding some to this list as the crazy becomes even more concrete): 

  • Airdrop: You might see this term a good bit of NFT Twitter. This is simply the same Airdropping that picture video on Apple, but for Crypto (token, coin). Usually for the free but to numerous wallet addresses. Keep it close, because it can be scammer tings. Sorta marketing.

  • Altcoin: This term is used a LOT! But it’s like any-ting that isn’t Bitcoin, like one of my favs Ethereum. Now that the market for crypto is opening up, altcoins are holding Bitcoin just as good.  I would recommend peeping the market cap to see how certain coins fair. But peep your financial goals. 

  • Bitcoin: This is like the “IT Girl” of Crypto. Pretty much the one that has established a true value and stability among the pack (even though cycles). Bitcoin formally came to be on Jan. 3, 2009.

  • Bitcoin Cash: Yes, there’s a difference. Sorta. This aligns more on the peer-to-peer cash system aspect of Bitcoin. Simply enough - optimized for transactions. 

  • Block (See Blockchain): The blocks of data are what makes up the blockchain itself. They are made up of transaction records as users buy or sell coins (data). After a block hits it reaches that limit, a new block is formed to continue the chain.

  • Coin/Token: Think the variations of fiat money, apply here for crypto and coins. Coins are the representation of a network of cryptocurrency. Some blockchains and coins can have the same or have a nickname. They reside on its own blockchain and representing an asset or utility.

  • Cold Wallet/Cold Storage: This is a method of storing or holding your coins (crypto) offline. These are often referred to as hardware wallets and look like a USB Drive (one of my favorites is Ledger). While they protect you from being hacked, if you lose it – it’s gone. By “it’s” I mean, your crypto holdings. 

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): This term gets used more than an ad-lib in a rap song, but it’s very important to the scale of cryptocurrency. It stems from Decentralization, which is distributing power away from a central point (get it, central). Again, this flows from Blockchain due to getting approval to change/use. DeFi is the financial aspect and activities seen within it. DApps are application portions that are distributed on  blockchain, and are needed to implement DeFi tings. 

  • DAO/ Decentralized Autonomous Organization: A virtual organization fused with computer code and executed on a distributed ledger or blockchain. Often used to buy or implement change. They actually have rules, regulations and everything.

  • Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) - protocol that provides dependable verification and approval of transactions in a blockchain. Think security.

  • Exchange: The marketplace for you to purchase or sell cryptocurrency. Will add context to this in a separate post. Here’s a TikTok that I did around some of them. 

  • Genesis Block: This is pretty much the first block in the chain (blockchain). And this pretty much means - Bitcoin; which is it often referred as. But think Andre 3000 prototype when it comes to this.

  • ICO: ICO is to Crypto is what IPO is to Stock. But with Crypto being moreso crowdfunding in a a sense, the core object is to raise coint for coin or tokens in exchange for cryptocurrencies. But Private ICO that does not seek public investment (Which I’m seeing more and more).

  • Mint: You might see this word when it comes to NFT, this just simply means when the NFT gets published.

  • NFT: A Non-Fungible Token is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger, that can be sold and traded. They started off as JPG and moved to so much more. 1:1 Digital collectors items that are hosted on the blockchain.

  • Peer-To-Peer (P2P): is one fo the biggest areas that I expect to BOOM within Crypto. This network is one where peers can communicate and do transactions directly with other network members without having to rely on a third party to perform verification.

  • Proof Of Stake (PoS): is the algorithm that asks users to prove ownership of that currency (coin). PoS gives the miners who hold coins (e.g., bitcoin, ether) the ability to mine or validate transactions.

  • Stablecoin: These coins normally takes the form of a coin or token that is connected or supported by an underlying asset including currencies or basket of commodities. Yes, they are more stable. The core focus with these are to develop of an alternative financial system with currency units not dependent or controlled by a government or other centralized entity. Watch this area, yall!.

  • Web 3.0 - It’s a version of the internet that will users more ownership over their digital assets/property. Especially their data itself! The middle man is getting moved out.

  • Hot/Soft Wallet - The complete opposition Cold. Pretty much online/3rd party app. Be mindful in which accepts what crypto. Some of my favs - Meta Mask, Trust Wallet and Brave.

In other content to come - I will expand high-level on  systems, wallets, etc. While I know that some folks might see crypto as fake, one thing you can’t fake is the appeal of it to consumers, companies and as we see - The Federal Government. My fear is that statistics around the  ‘unbanked' when it comes to personal finance in general will grow even more when it comes to crypto. I truly don’t want that to happen. That’s another topic for another day. Let me know if there’s any topics within crypto that you would like for me to cover?  Are you in the Crypto Crew? 

Did you know 16% of Americans say they have invested in, traded or used cryptocurrency. Yeah, so I'm going to keep talking about this even more.


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