Build Your Mental Bag....

“… when I get the bag…” starts singing "Can’t Tell Me Nothing’’.

Often times I see posts that hold captions like this with a dope creative. But in all actuality the bag starts in your brain. I, too, have this opportunity zone to work on. But, let’s dive deeper than Carl Thomas’ emotions are on this -

I shared this creative above, but gave one of the context points to drive home how important mindset is to duh money —

There's a reason why lottery winners go bankrupt most of the time --- they haven't healed their trauma.

May is Mental Health Month... and one of the hangups I find most people have is their relationship with their money. Trust me, I speak from personal experience.

Might write up an article about this before the month is up. This is hella real and true! Heal before your bank account gets to the Affluent Banking Team!

Money Management isn’t just how to manage the money you have, how much money you have but also how to view money. For eons The Culture has had an interesting relationship when it comes to currency. While it is a cycle of funds, it’s also the energy that we have towards it. “Robbing Peter to pay Paul” needs to be substituted with “I’m grateful that I can pay my bills” or “I am a money magnet”. Mindset, Money and Movement all have to work together curate better money.

While is dope to have affirmations that recite everyday (I have mine programmed in my phone as reminders) or during mirror work, we have to make sure that we are aligning with what we speak. How are we handling the money we do have? How can we change our expenses to boost our experiences? What things am I doing within this role can I align to creating another stream of income? So many layers to this, but it’s fact to it.

One of the things I had to do was watching my thoughts and words. I learned about money more-so when I didn’t have much of it, but I learned how to handle it different when it became abundant. I conduct money meetings bi-weekly to check in with how money is flowing and growing (going) within my personal and business expenses.

While I applaud therapy and life work, I also applaud you doing the work on building a better relationship with money. It is something that you have to nurture consistently like you have to do your Bae. Date your bag, so you have have other bags.

In my latest Reel, I called out the following —- work on your mindset with money to: Acquire more money. Align with better money habits and mannerisms. Accumulate more wealth (investments, etc).

You can’t pass down generational wealth if you are allow poor generational mindset (that can get passed down) hold you up. That can become the hiccup in the progression in your trek or children’s progression to wealth or heck being able to handle money properly. Mannerisms and Mindsets connect to Money; they all work together.

Continue to do the work, Fam.

If you or anyone you know needs access to free or affordable therapy, check this resource out.


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